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The Entry Points Market Blog

Market Update – October 19, 2016

October 16, 2016-11:51 am Stevie 0

The Entry Points I continue to believe the stock market is benefiting from some type of intervention, which certainly can go on for the next three weeks.  As to gold – with short term trading, […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Weekend Dedication – Hillary: the Environmentalist Icon

October 16, 2016-11:37 am Stevie 0

The Entry Points These weekend dedications are done in the style of the great Casey Kasem who made them very popular when, for many years, he hosted the American Top 40 radio show. But the […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Gold Update – Oct. 9, 2016

October 9, 2016-12:45 pm Stevie 0

There have been numerous stories over the weekend deciphering/guessing what happened to gold last week. What a complete waste of time, energy, and focus. Another in a long list of reasons why so many struggle […]

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