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What’s wrong with the American economy?

January 24, 2017-8:16 am Stevie 0

Hoover Institution interview with John H. Cochrane via Uncommon Knowledge Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Recorded on September 8, 2016, The American economy’s biggest problem is growth.  To achieve growth, Hoover Institution fellow John Cochrane argues, […]

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The Sinister Agenda Behind the Washington War On Cash

January 24, 2017-8:03 am Stevie 0

By F. William Engdahl 21 January 2017 It’s kinda sneaking up on us like an East Texas copperhead pit viper. It began to get some wide attention in 2016, with prominent economists and financial media […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Protectionism in a World of Globalism/Opportunities

January 23, 2017-12:01 pm traderscott 0

Trader Scott’s Market Blog January 23, 2017 Click to sign up for Trader Scott’s Free Market Updates or e-mail There is much consternation about President Trump’s “anti-free trade” views and rightfully so. The “free […]

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White House Website Deletes Spanish, LGBT and Climate Change

January 22, 2017-8:54 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points   A new Civil War is coming to America. There is no way the decades long attempt by the globalists to turn us all into braindead zombies will end without a huge […]

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Some Sanity Regarding the Housing Market

January 22, 2017-12:43 am traderscott 0

The Entry Points Donald Trump hit the ground running after his Inauguration on Friday, when two hours into his Administration he suspended a plan by Barack Obama to slash premium rates on some federally backed mortgages. The plan […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

“Oil to Fall to the Teens”/Commodities

January 21, 2017-5:00 pm traderscott 0

Trader Scott’s Market Blog January 21, 2017 Click to sign up for Trader Scott’s Free Market Updates or e-mail There’s a Marketwatch story interviewing the manager of a $3.6 billion T. Rowe Price mutual fund who […]

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For Subscribers Only

Life = Markets/Trading Skills

January 20, 2017-10:30 pm Stevie 2

  The Entry Points Life = markets. Meaning, success in life is about working hard and doing the right things every single day. And that especially includes doing the little things which add up over...

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Stock Market/Inaugurations and Buying Opportunities

January 20, 2017-1:20 pm traderscott 0

Trader Scott’s Market Blog January 20, 2017 Click to sign up for Trader Scott’s Free Market Updates or e-mail   Friday’s Inauguration for Donald Trump will hopefully go smoothly, but there is something else […]

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Socialism for the Uninformed

January 20, 2017-7:29 am Stevie 1

by Thomas Sowell Townhall   Socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

The US$

January 17, 2017-9:38 pm traderscott 0

    Trader Scott’s Market Blog January 17, 2017 Click to sign up for Trader Scott’s Free Market Updates or e-mail   We are suddenly seeing stories galore about the end of the bull […]

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