July 11 Premarket
This business is about studying, studying, studying – researching, tracking, observing, honing – and always being prepared. How else can you take advantage of opportunities. I believe my work is good, and I believe in...
This business is about studying, studying, studying – researching, tracking, observing, honing – and always being prepared. How else can you take advantage of opportunities. I believe my work is good, and I believe in...
Business Insider The Chinese government is working to create a techno-authoritarian state powered by artificial intelligence and facial recognition to track and monitor its 1.4 billion citizens. The government has big plans to have a ubiquitous […]
There will be some things repeated, the business of learning trading is about repetition. But only the repetition of the things which will get us where we want to go. And working, studying, researching –...
Bloomberg Standing high on top of a windswept dune in the West Texas plains, Greg Edwards stares out into a vast ocean of sand. It stretches in every direction, interrupted only by an occasional strip […]
There are new posts here, here and here. There is a lot of stuff in that conference call pertaining directly to today’s trading. I put out my stock list on 4/2, the very low day...
Tony Robbins Are you living the life you’ve always wanted to? Or have you settled into the status quo? Most of us have a subconscious idea of what we think we deserve. And when life […]
The Entry Points One of the perks of becoming a monthly subscriber to this website is enjoying the stock symbols that Trader Scott shares every day that have a high probability of being movers yielding […]
The conference call today was quite productive. The link is below. We discussed reaccumulation and breakouts and how they are intertwined. Also discussed were pullbacks of the breakouts, and specifically how those will set up […]
July 7, 2016 When I was a young floor trader in Chicago, I was very fortunate to be friends/friendly with some extremely successful traders. I learned a tremendous amount from them. In many cases […]
So much content, are you studying all of the posts and going back and looking at recent ones? I had been linking to them. only a few people are clicking the links, but studying, studying,...
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