The trend, support and resistance, along with accumulation (ACC) and distribution (DIST), can be the cornerstones of a good method. ACC/bottoming process and DIST/topping process are generally (with nuances) mirror images of each other. They are basically the strong handed absorption of supply/weak handed selling in ACC, and the weak handed absorption of supply/strong handed selling in DIST. Theses areas are so powerful because they can give us staying power to sit thru the shorter term counter-trend moves inherent in all trends. For instance, a large accumulation area almost always leads to a very large uptrend. And the reactions/backups in an uptrend, at/below support, are the buying opportunities. The big accumulation can give us much more confidence that these areas will hold. ACC and DIST areas occur on all time frames.

Video from 2017 – Why Was I (Correctly) CONSISTENTLY Bullish on Stock Indexes Since April/May of 2009 (Things Have Changed) – Give It Plenty of Room
For people with mediocre/terrible performance numbers – DO NOT PICK/CALL TOPS. Yes, I do “call” tops and I am correct way more than not, there are multiple recent examples of my calling tops in posts […]