Anyone following the”advice” of most gold gurus will probably make money in the big gold rallies, only to give it all back into the big sell offs. One of the main reasons for that roller coaster ride is people get bullish when prices are persistently rising. And of course, if they’re bullish, then they must buy. It’s only logical. And they’re chasing after some fantasy outcome which has completely uncertain odds of ever happening. Therefore they have no control over the outcome. ZERO. But they do have 100%, yes 100%, control over the entry point. Yet almost zero focus, preparation, time, planning, research and education is spent on the one thing which they have total control over. We’ve heard from many of our great readers about their refreshing and eye opening new approach to markets. That approach, based on risk and probabilities, not guessing, chasing, and dreaming about $ signs, is the way to achieve much more consistent, reasonable, and satisfying results. It’s a much calmer, clear headed, and professional approach. And as irrational as this sounds upfront, it’s not based upon making loads of money, but it is based upon having as many tools in place to greatly reduce the probabilities of losing right from the start. And to view markets more from afar to, for instance, be able to take some profits when we’re feeling greedy. Meaning understanding our own psychology. There are people in this business who have made a lot of money, yet have given it all back. There are others who never make any money. And then there are those few who, through their hard work and persistence, learned how to make consistent profits, and yes lose at times, but overall have fantastic and consistent positive results. And by far, most of these consistent winners were initially in either the never made any money category, or the made a lot and lost it category. But they persevered. There are a multitude of unrelated ways to achieve those results, but there are only two things which are common to every one of the people who became consistently profitable. They became excellent at both controlling risk and navigating markets.

I’m Honored To Accept The Idiot Award Of The Day
Trading out of boredom, along with revenge trading and needing to be “right”, are awesome….if we want to lose money. I did both a and c with ERX, and thus feel honored to accept my...