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Opening Selling Stampede After Buying Climax #1

June 2, 2017-7:39 pm traderscott 2

The point of waiting for trade setups is to increase the probabilities for a trading opportunity. And the point of getting as specific as possible with the parameters of the setup itself is to increase...

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Trend Absorption #1 and Trend Exorption #1/Euro

May 21, 2017-8:21 pm traderscott 0

Trend exorption is tough to work with, and it’s not nearly as common as trend absorption is. Recognizing exorption can be very helpful as to reinforcing a view of a market at least getting down...

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AMD Shorting Runaway Rally Gap #1

May 20, 2017-7:50 pm traderscott 0

There was an insightful question about shorting AMD, and the topic of using runaway gaps as a setup. The comments are here. This video is a further explanation of it, and this is also a...

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Trend Absorption #1

May 18, 2017-2:30 am traderscott 2

Recognizing a trade setup is the real goal of all of this. So with that in mind, there are going to be videos ongoing about recognizing different trade setups. This one is about trend absorption....

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Trend Exorption #1 vs Trend Absorption #1

May 16, 2017-1:14 am traderscott 0

This is a tricky one – the difference between trend exorption and reaction accumulation/reaccumulation/absorption. The general key here is that like always, we need to have an overall view of the technical position of markets....

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Trend Exorption #1

May 16, 2017-12:59 am traderscott 0

More examples of trend exorption. Even if you don’t trade this, recognizing it can be very helpful in plotting out what the overall technical position of a market is. And next up is a tricky...

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Reaction Buy After Buying Climax

May 7, 2017-3:16 pm traderscott 0

Buying climaxes are momentum events. If we miss the out on the big rally into the momentum high (buying climax), on the first day/first buying climax, those reaction buys are outstanding trades – like DRYS...

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123 Buy After Break Of Support #1

May 2, 2017-12:36 pm traderscott 3

Another named, numbered trade setup which is the break of support – first – and then there is something specifically to watch for which is – 3 pushes down with volume abating on each push....

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Trend Absorption #2 – GDX Daily

April 28, 2017-3:45 pm traderscott 11

Recognizing trend absorption can be helpful in many ways, even if you don’t actually trade it. Of course trading it is the ultimate goal, but it can also give you confidence as to what the...

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Trend Absorption #1 CALI

April 27, 2017-2:02 pm traderscott 2

Another trend absorption setup video here, and I’ve yet to see this trade setup discussed anywhere else. It’s a high probability trade, but not as high as true absorption before a gap up. And trend...

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