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Accumulation / Distribution

Momentum, Strong Stocks, Gaps, Continuity, Context

November 11, 2017-4:01 pm traderscott 2

  There were three good questions related to this trading video. The video was mainly about position trading stuff, and some daytrading also. Good insight and good lessons. And again, for those not interested in...

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November 10 Premarket

November 10, 2017-9:23 am traderscott 6

Working hard, observing, trying to always be on the right side of the market, and giving yourself a fighting chance. These are the themes which I certainly hope you have taken away from all of...

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November 9 Premarket

November 9, 2017-9:28 am traderscott 9

So for my actual concerns (for an intermediate-term selloff, which is not at all my concern yet) about the stock market, as opposed to those who have been wrong since March 2009 – the junk...

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November 8 Premarket

November 8, 2017-9:24 am traderscott 4

Context is 100% a part of what I do with charts. When I bought gold as an investment in December 2015, I was using monthly and 1 minute charts. When I bought MYO as a...

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November 7 Premarket

November 7, 2017-9:22 am traderscott 0

The discussions about this business being mainly hard work, consistency and preparation, certainly isn’t exciting. But that’s also part of the point. It turns out the excitement shouldn’t be about the markets, but about having...

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November 6 Premarket

November 6, 2017-9:23 am traderscott 3

For all of the people who think fancy systems, and complex (rear-view mirror tested” methods, and ultra-fast computers, and 10 monitors, and brilliant Gurus are the path to great things in this business, I couldn’t...

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November 3 Premarket

November 3, 2017-9:27 am traderscott 5

The jobs number is today, and I never make bets/predictions about any one specific economic release or event. Why people feel like they need to do that, who knows. But we can attempt to gauge...

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November 2 Premarket

November 2, 2017-9:20 am traderscott 10

There are new videos here, and here. The major markets are quiet with a new Fed chair named, there’s tax “reform” today. The stock market “crash-talkers” have been warning (hoping) some news item would finally allow...

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Accumulation / Distribution

Accumulation Downside and Upside Again – Bitcoin

November 1, 2017-10:15 pm traderscott 5

My favorite subject – accumulation , the power of it. There are two parts to accumulation, on all time-frames, the downside and the upside – SPY, Gold, TLT, HIMX, OSTK, DVAX, IMMU, MGTI, Bitcoin, Ethereum,...

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Intangibles – The Power of Observation

November 1, 2017-10:01 pm traderscott 0

I really hope you guys and gals watch this one all the way thru, it is so important to view markets in this manner – intangibles. There are four traits which I believe make you...

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