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8/7 Premarket

August 7, 2017-9:16 am traderscott 7

Despite all of the proclamations and predictions about markets which constantly goes on, most markets and many stocks are just trading in ranges, as often happens during summer doldrums. I keep talking about this thing...

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Observing, and Making a Watch List

August 7, 2017-7:29 am traderscott 0

Observing markets is extremely beneficial when we have some knowledge about how markets move (technically), meaning relative volume, price ranges and the close, accum/dist, supp/res, SOS/SOW, etc. So we can then use this to at...

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A Very Helpful Tool General Absorption/Trend Absorption – NUGT, AEZS, DRYS, Yen, SPY

August 5, 2017-10:08 am traderscott 0

Absorption is a powerful trading tool, but like everything in markets, it requires a setup. Absorption overall is basically accumulation, but absorption itself is a timing tool. So while accumulation is in my three pillars...

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8/4 Premarket

August 4, 2017-9:24 am traderscott 0

With the jobs number coming in above useless “estimates”, the stock market is up a bit, the $ is up a bit, while the Yen is taking a big hit, and gold is following the...

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The Approach to Markets

August 4, 2017-7:37 am traderscott 0

How we approach markets is a key determinant of our chances of surviving. This is a tough business, but it certainly can be done well. And right from the start of our endeavors, how we...

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8/3 Premarket

August 3, 2017-9:24 am traderscott 4

The “jobs” number is tomorrow, and guessing the result is like betting on red or black. In the meantime, the Yen is in a range and nearing the bottom of it – 110.30. Gold is...

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Different Trade Setups – Momentum and Reaction Buys – GDX/DRYS

August 2, 2017-7:47 pm traderscott 0

Momentum trading is a totally different mindset than reaction buy trading. Neither one of them is “better” than the other, as they both should have their place in a trader’s arsenal of tools. It’s likely...

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8/2 Premarket

August 2, 2017-9:26 am traderscott 0

At this point, with the “jobs” number coming up Friday, I’d like to see (not that gold cares) further reactions in gold before the number. It “needs” to back away/back up from this area for...

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8/1 Premarket

August 1, 2017-9:22 am traderscott 0

Summer doldrums are continuing for most markets. The small stocks are struggling, the bigger markets are moribund, but that will change. In the meantime my advice from 2 weeks ago, and it’s basically what I’ve...

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Premarket 7/31

July 31, 2017-9:19 am traderscott 0

The last day of July and the doom and gloomers about gold for this month are running out of time. Hopefully they’ll continue their prognostications for August also. As stated repeatedly since last December, the...

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