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6/12 Premarket

June 12, 2017-9:18 am traderscott 0

Next up is a Fed meeting, followed by a BOJ meeting, so there will be plenty of after the fact reasons/excuses as to why markets are moving (have moved). The QQQ needs to be watched...

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Gold and Trading Time Frames

June 12, 2017-7:54 am traderscott 6

Working with time frames in markets is often a tricky, but unrecognized conflict. So if we can recognize that situation, then how can it be beneficial going forward? And with that in mind, what kind...

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Trade Setups For….Minimizing Losses?

June 11, 2017-2:19 am traderscott 1

Exiting strategies, when we believe the trade is no longer working, are not just about using stops – there are different ways to do this. We can actually use specific trade setups to help a...

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Unconventional Uses for the Trading Tools

June 10, 2017-5:35 pm traderscott 2

The tools we are using here are quite unconventional already. Why use unconventional tools? Because we’re trying to get an edge. Most people, more than most actually, in markets lose money. Why? First and most...

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6/9 Comments

June 9, 2017-4:10 pm traderscott 2

The “tech bubble” is “crashing” today, down 3% at the lows. These people will not give up with this stuff. So to stick to the facts  –  the QQQ is having its heaviest downside day...

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6/9 Premarket

June 9, 2017-9:15 am traderscott 6

The Bond Market Giveth and Taketh Away The WSJ sends me stuff every morning and everything is about politics – as we now live in a world dominated by governments and central banks. A world...

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Biggest Winning Stocks – The Common Thread?

June 8, 2017-6:49 am traderscott 2

What is the common characteristic among these five huge winning stocks today ? I keep trying to point out how very important this is, and once again it is in clear view in these daily...

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Accumulation / Distribution

Big Picture Accumulation/Distribution Characteristics – SPY, Gold

June 8, 2017-12:15 am traderscott 2

More about accumulation and distribution in this video – taking a look at gold and the SPY accumulation, and SPY with the distribution. First we need to recognize the preliminary EAs. We’re always looking how...

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Recognizing A Lousy Trade Setup – Selling Stampede #2

June 7, 2017-11:16 pm traderscott 0

Recognizing a lousy trade setup is just as important as recognizing a good setup, maybe even more important. If we can get pretty good about stepping aside, it makes trading much more “pleasant”. This has...

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6/7 Comments

June 7, 2017-3:57 pm traderscott 2

Some observations – there will be a video later about crude oil and the SOWs and effort vs. result, but also in the shares today. Of course, SOWs can often lead to short term bounces. And...

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