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4/3 Pre-market (9 AM)

April 3, 2017-8:59 am traderscott 0

Markets are pretty quiet now, but a few things to watch. The more the $ rallies off the spring low from last Monday, the more people that will start to question why they were so...

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Euro – Sell Stop Runs/Video

April 2, 2017-7:28 pm traderscott 0

Sell stop runs are one of the most common “tools” which the “manipulators” use to force the weak hands to give up their long positions. A lot of people struggle with setting stops, and it...

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Upper Level Absorption Setup #1

April 2, 2017-1:21 pm traderscott 2

Absorption on any time frame is an outstanding tool, and it is the overall setup which makes this a high probability situation. It needs to be in context with the overall technical condition of the...

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Signs of Weakness/Markets – Video

April 1, 2017-11:06 pm traderscott 5

Selling short is very tricky, and I don’t want to promote it much, especially in these “manipulated markets” (kidding). But even if only doing long positions in markets, being able to recognize SOWs can be...

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Effort vs. Result

Adding Up Signs of Strength

April 1, 2017-5:19 pm traderscott 4

There are different types of signs of strength, some on the upside, some to the downside. The downside ones, like springs, are actually more important. But they all have one thing in common – they...

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3/31 Update (3:35 PM)

March 31, 2017-3:40 pm traderscott 6

Another theme in this time period and talked about in the commodities video from Monday was ags. And how we should start to see the ags bottoming soon, ahead of the rest of the commodities....

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3/31 Update (2:00 PM)

March 31, 2017-2:14 pm traderscott 3

Three of my themes at the beginning of the week have been that the crude oil bounce would last into next week, and it would help the stock market and junk bonds – also the...

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Pre-market 3/31 (8:45 AM)

March 31, 2017-8:47 am traderscott 0

There is not much going on market-wise, but there are a few things to watch. The US$ is going to become a much bigger story going forward, as the reaction from the 1/3/17 high has...

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3/30 (3:55 PM)

March 30, 2017-3:55 pm traderscott 9

Right smack into the highs on Monday, there was wall to wall amateur hour coverage of the “breakout” of the Euro and the “collapse” of the $. Everyone had their charts out “proving” to us...

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Effort vs. Result

USRM Daytrading

March 30, 2017-2:03 pm traderscott 0

Effort vs. result is a pretty profound way to view markets. It is a great warning indicator for a change of character in a market or stock. This can be used on any time frame....

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