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The Entry Points Market Blog

Oil Is Going Down, Unless It Goes Up First

March 18, 2018-2:44 pm traderscott 3

Oil is in a very large accumulation area. There was a three wave down, spring low, major bottom on 2/11/16. I did several posts, leading up to that bottom, regarding my concerns about crude, this […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

The Technical Structure in Gold, Seasonals, and Theories

February 26, 2018-1:24 am traderscott 12

Theories, theories, useless theories. Most theories in markets, when really researched, will show very little, or no, solid facts behind them. The gold market is full of absurd theories. For years people have been promoting […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Bruce Lee…. and Springs? WTF?

February 11, 2018-5:03 pm traderscott 2

One of my buddies growing up became a black belt at an early age, and we both became big fans of the great Bruce Lee. “Enter the Dragon” is a classic, almost as successful (as […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Selling Into Strength is Mainly About Reducing Risk – Hedging is Stupid

February 10, 2018-12:52 pm traderscott 5

We’re either going to work hard at this business and succeed, or we’re not. The people who stay mentally tough thru it all, will always survive. It requires working at this every single day, like […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

February 8 Premarket Comments – Analysts Are A Joke

February 9, 2018-6:11 pm traderscott 2

The premarket comments from 2/8 are down below. Social media, websites, financial media, pundits, analysts, the whole thing is a joke. These people, 99% of them, are totally clueless – totally. All week we’ve heard […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

The Stock Market “Crash” – February 6 Premarket

February 7, 2018-10:23 am traderscott 0

There was a HUGE amount of unprofessional, emotional, amateurish. moronic commentary yesterday about the “crashing” stock market. People are insane. Wow! This is discussed here and here. If you want to get an idea about […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog
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The Entry Points Market Blog

The Stock Market “Crash” and More Hot Air from Greg

February 7, 2018-12:37 am traderscott 0

Greg is at it again (below), the guy has a crystal ball. He is truly amazing. The problem is, like with all of the totally useless analysts like he is, his crystal ball only works […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Mental Toughness and Preparation, Tom Brady

February 4, 2018-4:48 pm traderscott 1

Even tho I’m not really interested in the Super Bowl (used to love this stuff), I have great repect for anyone, like Tom Brady, who excels in any competive environment, be it athletics, music, etc, […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Options, Using Them Purely As Trading Vehicles

February 4, 2018-2:42 pm traderscott 2

Trading options is daunting, they are very confusing, there is a lot of math involved, so why bother? Because they are a great alternative way to be able to capture opportunities when the underlying instrument […]

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