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The Entry Points Market Blog

Trump’s Non-Existent Tax Cuts

February 18, 2017-4:54 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points Only in the government can you have the lunacy of “paying” for tax cuts by increasing taxes somewhere else – and of course, not cutting spending. And it’s always phrased as “we” […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Manipulation to the Rescue

February 12, 2017-6:18 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points The gold market has had a good run from the December lows, and the bullishness is building. There isn’t the cockiness and surety as there was in early November right before the […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Gold As a Currency

February 12, 2017-1:54 am traderscott 0

The Entry Points In a post from January 2015, my belief was gold would continue to perform well against the the big currencies, but the S would temper the gains:    “….We’re getting closer to […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Euro Bank Stocks/Gold/US$

February 8, 2017-3:02 am traderscott 0

The Entry Points The European bank stocks, like Unicredit, are a disaster. There will be more of them, along with Japanese banks. And coming up quickly we have a French election which is already causing […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

More Fallacy/Gold and Interest Rates

February 5, 2017-6:28 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points It’s baffling….baffling, how so many completely unsupported market theories persist. There’s a trendy one to discuss in a bit which always appears when gold is weak, and it’s used to support the case […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

The Fed is Now “Confident”

February 4, 2017-7:56 pm traderscott 0

  The PhD economists/Mensa members comprising the esteemed Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRBG) held their paramount, decisive, crucial, meaningful, significant (via meeting last Wednesday. It’s like the Super Bowl for Wall Street and […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

The US$ is a Piece of Crap

February 1, 2017-12:28 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points The US$ is a piece of crap. That I agree with, hence for years my bullishness on the $ has never been about how great the Dollar is – it totally sucks. […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

GATA’s Total Incompetence

January 29, 2017-8:53 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points How or where or when did this theory become institutionalized in the gold community – “gold is the answer to the world’s problems”. We see numerous articles, like this one from the […]

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The Entry Points Market Blog

Trader Scott’s Market Blog – Stocks/PMs/US$/China – Harry Dent? – January 29, 2017

January 29, 2017-7:19 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points   So the Dow traded above 20k, whoop-de-doo. The sentiment currently about the stock market is, frankly, weird. The one side claims the “Trump Bull Market” is because of all the great […]

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Big Picture PMs

January 28, 2017-6:45 pm traderscott 0

Trader Scott’s Market Blog Click to sign up for Trader Scott’s Free Market Updates or e-mail     gold ’82-’06 gold ’76-80 gold 2000 bottom  

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