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Blockchain, Doobies and Springs – Cutting Back Time-Frame and Position Sizing – MARA, MGTI, OWCP, others Video

November 27, 2017-7:31 pm traderscott 4

The Entry Points Even when I get concerned about the next higher time-frame technical situation, I’m still willing to trade a shorter-term time-frame. Today my concern was blockchain stocks. And today the only daytrade for […]

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Intraday Trading – Holding the Lows

November 21, 2017-1:42 am traderscott 0

The Entry Points Today I had a quality trade in ACST, just waiting to see if it would “hold the morning lows”. It had a 123 push down, and did eventually hold the lows. With […]

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Springs Once Again and the Bull Market (Once Again)

November 16, 2017-9:21 pm traderscott 7

The Entry Points The stock market crash calls are still coming in, like from this incompetent scam artist. “We’re only weeks away from a stock market crash.” What a disgusting creature, scaring people just to […]

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The Multi-Decade Bull Market, Trading With A Purpose, MOSY, Shippers

November 14, 2017-6:07 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points The topics covered were trading with a purpose, selling into strength, secondary rallies, upthrusts – my post about the secular bottom in gold from December 2015 (not 2016 like I misspoke in […]

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It Is a Bull Market – More Outstanding Opportunities – Triple Digits

November 8, 2017-3:37 pm traderscott 3

The Entry Points With the stock market hitting more record highs, the clowns are spending all of their time trying to come up with another excuse why the stock market will “crash” – and making […]

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Trading the Premarket Ideas

November 7, 2017-9:15 pm traderscott 4

The Entry Points   All of these opportunities, except for PRGNF, were directly off of our premarket comments. We are certainly providing opportunities, on all time frames.Some don’t work, many work very well. But it’s […]

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Intraday Video – Very Liquid Stock Up 500% Today – No Not a Penny Stock

November 3, 2017-3:50 pm traderscott 3

The Entry Points In our premarket comments today we talked about DRYS, the shippers, and the Baltic Dry Index. I’ve discussed them several times recently, did a post (below) about that on 9/15. And today […]

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Buying Reactions In Strong Stocks

November 2, 2017-1:20 pm traderscott 0

The Entry Points The trend is the momentum, in the stocks and the markets in the huge uptrends, only with the prior (lower) huge accumulation areas. For the thousandth time, I am wildly bullish, long-term, […]

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Trading Recap Signs of Strength

November 1, 2017-9:47 pm traderscott 3

Busy tonight, so a quick trading recap – QQQ, IWM, IMGN, TLT, MZOR (daytrade 60.5-62.30), IMMU, APTI, GRPN, AMD, INFI (loss 2.315-2.20). ADMS, HIMX, XNET.  

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