7/12 Premarket

The Yen and gold were talked about in this video from last night – it sort of sums things up for now. If gold pushes up on the way towards 1229 , I’ll likely do some selling of the ETFs.

emerging stocks video  – there are several stocks today and the last few days moving which were in that video from 2 1/2 days ago. We are working hard at this and putting out quality info. before the fact, not rear-view mirror crap.

bounce candidates – this is a new feature take advantage of it.

TROV – has news today and in that video talked about the emerging potential.

IBIO – another stock with a horrible long-term chart, but patent news today, and as we know, the ugliest ones can run shorts and attract “hot money”.

RNVA – another ugly one long-term – a few SOSes like 2 days ago. Has weird news today, let’s see if they can pump it (and dump it).

Dependent upon the market, the winners list will be up as early as possible for the movers of the day. It’s a great resource.


About traderscott 1146 Articles
Trader Scott has been involved with markets for over twenty years. Initially he was an individual floor trader and member of the Midwest Stock Exchange, which then led to a much better opportunity at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. By his early 30’s, he had become very successful in markets, but a health situation caused him to back away from the grind of being a full time floor trader. During this time away from markets, Scott was completely focused on educating himself about true overall health and natural healing which remains a passion to this day. Scott returned to markets over fifteen years ago where he continues as an independent trader.


  1. Hi Scott and Stevie,

    Best finance/ trading website out there……fantastic work by great traders with a willingness to not only share stock names but also knowledge which is priceless !!!!!

    Really appreciate it. And also great calls on the miners…..still don’t know how you do it but your new title is Gandalf the wise !

    Take care,


    • Very kind Aamer. Thank you. You know how I feel about just working hard, and some good results will come from that over time. We really appreciate you being a part of this.

    • Thank you so much for the compliments Aamer; messages such as this is what fuels our motivation. Trader Scott is the hardest working person I know and is so generous with his time and knowledge. He is the real deal and knows, through hard work, how life changing trading can be. He just wants to see everyone work hard and succeed as he has. I am no where near the trader he is. I could say “I wish to be” but we all know wishing isn’t going to make it happen, it always comes down to work, dedication and perseverance. Thanks again for the message and we hope you’re doing well with your trades.

      • Again thank you guys. It’s been great to meet up via this site. Have known many traders and HF managers in my life. The one trait that only the very best have is….sharing their knowledge and training their teams. Again it is a very rare occurrence and I feel that I have struck gold here ….

        Trading is slowly picking up….mostly focusing on miners and am still amazed by Scotts insights and timing skills. He has nailed it time after time….

        But have been monitoring the stock names and have traded a few of them…very happy with results. But can improve my skills a lot more….but thank you for your hard work and great calls. I always picture you with a a great smile after the end of each trading day….based on my monitor results !



    • Yes 16.12-15 – in there. But it’s a step by step process. Right now it’s dealing with this area. I’m trying to show that the time-frame problems/confusion arise because markets don’t go from point A-B. They meander. And the meandering is actually potential trading opportunities/profit opportunities based upon our time-frames. And to increase the probability of getting this pretty well is seeing/judging how much power (potential energy) a market has to get to the higher resistance/lower support. And all the tools to use for that, and just keep getting the probabilities of all of our decisions as high as possible. But I am more concerned with silver than gold.

      • A)So in this case is better to wait for a buy stop run or just sell it at resistance?

        B) What technical action is making you “more concerned with silver than gold”?

        • Think in terms of probabilities. Getting in a trade, be patient and wait for the probabilities lining up. Already in a trade, you’re already in. There is much less patience involved when you know it’s a lower shelf life trade. But you know I usually sell too early. It usually works out in the end, but it can be tough for people to see the money left on the table. It doesn’t bother me at all, but….Anyway yes I don’t wait once I’m in, at least not with a full position. Last thing to confuse you (sorry), to get to higher resistance areas, it’s why I always talk about the “backup”, to cross the creek. That’s what’s needed. No right answer Raphael, just keep at it, and add up the wins – that’s the “secret”.

        • B) I’ve been concerned about silver since the total weirdness at the late Feb. highs. The weak hands were absolutely insane then, and again on the “breakout” mid-April. That kind of sentiment takes a while to work off. And the technical structure relative to gold is so much weaker. Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t trading opportunities. but look at gold taking out highs, and then silver well below when gold did a “double-top” uselessness. A few months ago, right at the highs, everyone decided it was very easy to see how bullish silver was. On 12/20 when I was buying, no one, including me, could see how bullish silver was. So this selloff finally has pummeled these poor souls, once again. Finally a light shining. But still it’s gold for me, silver will certainly have its day later on. Meantime, nothing wrong with trading silver.

  2. “There is much less patience involved when you know it’s a lower shelf life trade”. That’s the problem my ability to judge a shelf life of a trade is horrible at best. If you have a suggestion on what I can spend more time on, to improve this lagging ability. let me know.

    • Any guesses how horrible I was? That’s how we learn. And you want to guess how many people in markets are even aware of what a shelf life on a trade even is? Probably around 10% max. So the other 90% aren’t even working on their problem(s), and they never will. I’m going to have more suggestions in an upcoming post, but the main thing is to focus on the most important thing by far – the entry point (good/great trade setup). So doing that alone takes a lot of pressure off of us, so we can work on all of the other aspects. Consistency.
      You’re struggling with time-frame issues. This is a big problem, we all have to deal with it. What’s a scalp all the way to an investment. We have to learn what are the numerous things to look for/recognize/be confident of to know when it’s more than a scalp. Just start working on these ideas, and keep in mind my videos and our discussions about a bounce vs a rally. You’re going to get better at this, simply because you’re working hard.

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