Screw the Globalists By Helping American Workers First

The Entry Points

Liberals love government welfare, just as much as the globalist corporations and the one percenters. It’s just who’s getting the welfare which is the question. And as always, it’s the politicians who vote on (dole out) and decide who are the lucky ones. And guaranteed it isn’t American middle-class/upper middle-class taxpayers, nor American small business entrepreneurs, who will get the pork. We’ve been paying for all of the welfare for far too long.

Why should taxes be cut for globalists corporations who have been screwing workers for decades, and they will continue to do just that, especially as robots become more entrenched in the workplace. That trend will not stop. So how about giving all American workers, along with all American small businesses entrepreneurs, an across the board tax cut first. You know, those same entrepreneurs who drive all net economic vibrant activity in capitalist economies. And “pay” for the tax cuts by finally eliminating the 100’s billions (or more) in globalist corporate welfare.

The President talks about cutting “waste” in Washington, by making it run more “smoothly”. What a joke, except the joke is on the 99%ers among the American workers, not on the elites. You only make government run more “smoothly” by completely eliminating programs and departments. If you don’t completely eliminate them, these programs and departements pop right back up. So Mr. President, let’s start making things run “smoothly” by eliminating globalist corporate welfare (pork) first. Their pork has been doled out for decades, and even with you, Mr. President, in there, it continues unabated. The grotesque corporate lobbyists are in Washington at this very moment with the politicians. And the lobbyists are schmoozing, cajoling, providing hookers, favors, and bribing, to ensure their gravy train continues running “smoothly”. But it’s time the globalists felt some pain and had to sacrifice. Meaning they (the globalists) need to feel the turbulence. The rest of us have borne the brunt for decades.

So Mr. President, how about “paying” for corporate tax cuts, by actually cutting corporate pork. Even though you are doing some good things Mr. President, you are not going to cut the pork, because the globalists are still in total control. So when the globalist corporations start their whining about their tax cuts (not ours), let’s point out something to them. Let’s allow true entrepreneurial capitalism to work by doing across the board tax cutting, and also by having a truly smaller government. The only way to make government run more “smoothly” is via a machete. Then even with our toxic debt and derivatives situations, and our mounting inflation problems, we can revitalize the economy somewhat. Therefore we American workers and entrepreneurs all benefit, not just the globalists. The globalists have been on easy street way too long.


About traderscott 1146 Articles
Trader Scott has been involved with markets for over twenty years. Initially he was an individual floor trader and member of the Midwest Stock Exchange, which then led to a much better opportunity at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. By his early 30’s, he had become very successful in markets, but a health situation caused him to back away from the grind of being a full time floor trader. During this time away from markets, Scott was completely focused on educating himself about true overall health and natural healing which remains a passion to this day. Scott returned to markets over fifteen years ago where he continues as an independent trader.

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