Is the US$ Going to Crash?

The Entry Points

Trader Scott


There are a lot of folks out there who believe there is tremendous pressure on the US$. Agreed. However, most of those folks believe the pressure is to the downside. I believe the opposite, the pressure is to the upside, am still long the $, bullish, and have added on a bit. There are plenty of logical reasons to assume the US$ is heading much lower. Agreed. But it’s all about the timing of it. And the dangerous outcome is not a “crashing” US$, but it’s a surging US$. Do you remember all of the hysteria back in 2008 about the “crash” in the US$, and the hysteria still continues today. There were/are many scam artists who sucked people into buying gold, or any “tangible assets which will benefit from the crash in the USD”. But a funny thing happened along the way. The $ did not remotely crash, yet gold, and all tangibles, had a stellar run into Spring 2011 thru to 2012 – stellar – and without a crash in the $. Another market “theory” shot down. Yet we couldn’t get rid of these scam artists, as they are still around scamming away with another completely incompetent sales pitch. Their US$ crash pitch was a bust, but the selloff in the $ since 1/3/17 has given the scammers new hope.

It’s tough to see a situation where the trillions outstanding in global US$ based debt can have any effect but to push the US$ higher, possibly much higher – pressure. And we can combine that with the disaster sitting in the European and Japanese banking systems, which is in great part thanks to the insanity of negative interest rates. What in the world is going to happen to the massive hedge funds, oops excuse me, central banks, when all of the negative yields which they are loading up on go to positive yields. And then keep going to even more positive and positiv(er) rates over the years (meaning lower and lower prices of the underlying bonds). Who’s going to bail them out? And much of the debt which they have been loading up on is low credit quality to boot.

Back in the glory days with the “US$ crash”, in 2008 and beyond, the mantra was QE/money printing would destroy the value of the $, (and gold would soar of course). Well gold did soar, almost tripling, but the $ DID NOT crash, and it is not going to crash. Money printing did not cause inflation, nor will it. The mechanics of QE was never about causing hyper-inflation. It’s been about moving “money” around, and much of it has been sitting in bank’s reserves, not getting into the economy, but certainly some went into the financial (paper) markets. The Fed grew its balance sheet from 900 billion to 4.5 trillion, while the bank’s grew their reserves from 800 billion to 2.5 trillion. But we need some perspective here about the Fed’s “dangerous” balance sheet. The total FX trading per day is about 5 trillion, while the Fed’s balance sheet is 4.5 trillion. And lastly, looking at the long term US$ chart below, we can see the 2 major tops, and it was the soaring $ which caused its own demise. History will repeat.



About traderscott 1146 Articles
Trader Scott has been involved with markets for over twenty years. Initially he was an individual floor trader and member of the Midwest Stock Exchange, which then led to a much better opportunity at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. By his early 30’s, he had become very successful in markets, but a health situation caused him to back away from the grind of being a full time floor trader. During this time away from markets, Scott was completely focused on educating himself about true overall health and natural healing which remains a passion to this day. Scott returned to markets over fifteen years ago where he continues as an independent trader.


  1. Great points! Especially about the pm perma bulls for life….

    The massive $denominated debt, creates the pull for $, and gives it strength… suckling the lifeblood out of nations and individuals… who then have the liabilities and failed gambling ventures of the member banks put on their backs….

    But as banks of issue (cb) does there balance sheet really matter? Will they not just print like buzz light year? transferring wealth and control as they always have done, giving us toilet paper and dancing with the stars in return? Why would they ever have to unwind anything?


    They just keep the music going until it becomes a fyre festival😉

    • Good description – toilet paper, Dancing with the stars, and the Fyre Festivus. Very long term the pressure is on the downside for USD, even the end of reserve status (official). But lots and lots can happen in markets between today’s prices/technical situation, and the supposed outcome. We’ll let the gold permabulls trade the outcome, we’ll stick to the in-between. To me the size of the balance sheet doesn’t matter, it’s all relative, and for some reason, very few talk about the asset side, only the liabilities. And it’s the quality of the asset side which is the real problem. Just vanilla US Treasury toilet paper is not horrible, but some of the other crap, especially at the ECB. The reason this has “worked” is the 35 year bond bull. This stuff won’t work in the 35 year bond bear. We assume they have total control over rates, but they were just “trading with the trend”. Look at what happened from July to December last year, they were already losing a bit of control. And it’s happened in Europe also, little flashes. Imagine this 3 years from now.

      • The elephant in the room. . The bond market. ..when that starts to go. … that’s when $!#/ gets real. .. I’m sure the solution will be 90% taxes, communism led by the snow flakes that attended the real fyre festival. . And the antifa (modern day communists)… and the solution will be that everybody should die to save the planet from our farts and tendancy to breath too much. .. what a load…. but between here and there, there’s alot that will happen. .. won’t go as far as they think. .. as Ace calls them. . La..hoo…za..hers….

  2. Hi Scott, you had written a article about worldwide real estate a while back. Can you please do another article on real estate in relation to a soaring $. What could be effect of a soaring dollar on real estate in emerging markets (like India).

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