Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness…

…is extremely important for successful trading. I want you guys to be successful at this. Any one of you has the ability to do this very well. But VERY few of you ever will. I realize that now, after having taught for several years. It was a disappointment to realize this about people.

I myself have little talent, nor intelligence. But since day one, when I completely SUCKED at this, I have kept my head down, kept grinding out every day, kept ACCUMULATING knowledge wisdom experience, did all MY OWN work honing development, did not look too far ahead, did not use any new age retarded believing in myself bullshit, I believed only in working hard and being incredibly consistent with that work. And guess what? I then did believe in myself, because I knew I had some things to believe in – my work ethic, my consistency, my focus, my mental toughness – hence believing in myself thru those things – and learned what/whom to trust.

Nothing offends me, I believe in myself:

And when I say these stern words, it sounds harsh. Guess what? It is. But if you are offended by these comments, if you can’t handle some harsh comments, if you are going to get off track by this and not focus 100% on the incredible lessons here – then how in the world can you have the MENTAL TOUGHNESS to handle all that a trader has to deal with.

If you can’t deal with my harsh approach, you are weak, do not have the MENTAL TOUGHNESS necessary, are not serious about this, will not make it.

Trading successfully is complex, yet simple, there is no magic to it. Learn to recognize the TREND, how many times have I said that – RESPECT THE TREND. Develop trade setups which mesh with the trend, the bko, the pre-bko.

DO NOT trade a market, a stock, an option, a futures – TRADE YOUR SETUP. And know exactly specifically in what technical situation to employ said setup. A specific setup can only be employed WITH HIGH PROBABILITY in its specific technical situation. Period. Do you even understand what that means? If you don’t have any clue, then you are miles away from success.

It’s 100% up to you, and how much do you really want it. It takes time to get there. If you are someone who is going to make it, you will just stay the course, and have patience. You never know when you might be on the verge of hitting it big. It took me 3 hard fought years, but when the money started coming in, it poured in, seemingly out of the blue. Of course all this assumes that you are working your fricking tail off during that time of learning and struggling, and not whining, being lazy, wasting your time listening to all the losers out there who have ZERO idea how to do this successfully. So – Do you really want it? Or are you one of the 80+% of lazy asses who will never make it?

About traderscott 1146 Articles
Trader Scott has been involved with markets for over twenty years. Initially he was an individual floor trader and member of the Midwest Stock Exchange, which then led to a much better opportunity at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. By his early 30’s, he had become very successful in markets, but a health situation caused him to back away from the grind of being a full time floor trader. During this time away from markets, Scott was completely focused on educating himself about true overall health and natural healing which remains a passion to this day. Scott returned to markets over fifteen years ago where he continues as an independent trader.


  1. Hey Scott, I suspect you are far smarter than you let on, but I admire your humility as I see it as a sign of strength to admit ones weaknesses, and it’s a gift as it lets me know I have the potential to succeed as well even with my own self doubt. Thank you.

    • Thank you. First. Yes you can make it. It just takes time and patience. Few people make it, some do make it. I studied both groups. It became very very obvious what needs to be done to make it. And I then made that my total focus, nothing was going to get me off track.

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