The Scam Artists, and Living in a Van Down By the River

The Entry Points

The one-of-a-kind comic actor Chris Farley passed away 20 years ago today. My favorite skit of his was “Matt Foley” who lived in a “van down by the river”. In my first few years of (totally incompetent) trading, that would have been an upgrade of sorts. At least in the van there would have been (literally) no crack dealers living in the apartment directly above my roommate and myself. My roommate was (usually) a good guy, but his main focus was partying. And gunshots were common at night. So getting thru that period, while staying focused and working on trading non-stop, is something I’m quite proud of. But my focus back then was, why in the world were there so many guys around me on the trading floor who were consistently trading so well, and yet I couldn’t hardly do anything right. I was obsessed. It eventually came together for me via pure consistent hard work and respect for the business of trading.

So when I see the filth which comes from the incompetent clowns (and/or scam artists) all over the internet, it is truly disgusting. They are totally disrespectful to this great business, and they only survive by scamming, exploiting, lying, giving fake seminars, using fear tactics, selling wildly inaccurate newsletters and books, etc. Because they have never (nor will ever) made any money thru trading. Their only road to riches is by (somehow) getting people to fork over their very hard earned money, or by getting people to go to their popular websites (which have been wrong about markets for years).

At our website, we use no scamming, very little marketing, but put out what we believe is quality work. And we will continue to do just that, because it’s our work which has made us good traders. But we understand what the crowd is attracted to, and the scam artists like, Harry Dent, John Mauldin, or Michael Snyder will remain very popular. And they will never need to live in a van down by the river. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for many of their loyal followers.


About traderscott 1146 Articles
Trader Scott has been involved with markets for over twenty years. Initially he was an individual floor trader and member of the Midwest Stock Exchange, which then led to a much better opportunity at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. By his early 30’s, he had become very successful in markets, but a health situation caused him to back away from the grind of being a full time floor trader. During this time away from markets, Scott was completely focused on educating himself about true overall health and natural healing which remains a passion to this day. Scott returned to markets over fifteen years ago where he continues as an independent trader.


  1. La-di-fricken’da!…. been using those papers to roll doobies…well.. you’re gonna have allot of dooby rolling time.. living in van.. down by the river!…

    ..we’re gonna be bunk mates, pals, amigos..

    here’s you.. here’s me… here’s you… here’s me…… woopsy daisy… good shiite!

  2. I think knowing who is scam artist and who is a real trader is a must step in a trader evolving , particularly in today social media .

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