The Ugly Economy

The Entry Points

For many years, especially in regards to the stock market, I have vehemently disagreed with the folks who have claimed the stock market is a huge bubble and will therefore (soon) crash. The people who have been claiming that since 2009 have been spectacularly wrong. (It doesn’t mean I’m bullish on stocks currently.) These stock market bears (mostly permabears) have rested their crash thesis on the belief in a horrific economic “recovery” and worse economic conditions down the line. I completely agree about the economy, but economics does not equal markets. I have believed for years the horrible economy is one of the best things stocks had going for them. And the (often fraudulent) earnings reports from companies would drag the market lower is another claim. So, for many years all of those claims have not happened. But, to me, everything in markets is about timing. It is my main focus. So, many of the permabears will soon be getting their wish, but unlikely a crash – more of a grind lower. The market is finally now in a weak enough position to where “bad news” will lead to selling. So here is an article from Zero Hedge which discusses the very negative viewpoint of the economy from companies around the globe. And, mind you, this is with interest rates at the lowest in history. 

Originally published on One Radio Network

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