Weekend Dedication – Hillary: the Environmentalist Icon

The Entry Points

These weekend dedications are done in the style of the great Casey Kasem who made them very popular when, for many years, he hosted the American Top 40 radio show. But the difference here is these are mocking dedications instead. They mock the globalist, neocon elitists and their puppets. While also highlighting their agenda attempting to control and exploit the rest of us. Some recent dedications are here and here. The globalists had the wind at their backs for many decades until President Reagan, but he proved to be only a minor threat to them. And after President Reagan, they got way too greedy. Now Donald Trump is a much bigger threat to their agenda. But he’s only the face – the real problem confronting them is that enough of the masses are fed up with the old order of doing things, and desire/yearn for REAL change. The elitists are completely focused on defeating Trump, and seem to be oblivious to the actual threat – the revolt of the masses. And they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. The 35 year bond bull market (falling yields, chart below) has gotten us intoxicated and has also gotten us addicted to/comfortable with amassing DEBT of any kind. So the opiate like effects of the ultra low yields have helped to calm and soothe us. However, that is soon to change in a huge way.

But on to the dedication, and sometimes they make it so easy. There was a story out this past week concerning the always truthful, vivacious, and beautiful Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. As we all know, Mrs. Rodham Clinton is a devoted environmentalist and is also a true advocate for global warming, oops excuse me, climate change. Well this story raised quite a stink, literally. It alleges Hillary Diane’s election tour bus basically took a dump on the side of the road. Well I’m outraged at such lies, and it must surely be nothing than a vast right wing conspiracy. I guess politics truly does stink. So just like last weekend’s song, Hillary Rodham Clinton, this song is dedicated to you.


Originally published on One Radio Network

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