Winners List September 6 (10 PM)

The Entry Points

The analysis for the past week is below – scroll down for the scan. We are now running a Bounce List Scan – those could be good trading candidates. Click below to enlarge image:


9/6 10 PM plus 9/7 (7 AM): From our premarket comments – VSTM, VYGR. INSM in yesterday’s premarket and comments – “INSM joins the gap up club along with DVAX, ADMS, ITCI. I am long these stocks. We love strong stocks with a “change of character”, Just be aware of the possibility of a share offering with these, like DVAX, but I added on there into the news-selling.” VSTM – We have discussed this stock at least 6 times, plus it has been mentioned in several videos as a strong stock. First talked about DVAX at $2.   DCTH very active, great trading stock.   VYGR gapping up to multi-month highs, but plenty of resistance ahead. Excellent drug news.   Once again with retailers (and small energy stocks), on 5/17 we said and have repeated dozens of times, “TGT had good earnings and is rallying strongly. The retailers have gotten creamed, and people are super bearish on these stocks, I’m going thru this sector and making a watchlist. The sector is still bearish, but there can be some bounces/trading opportunities, and maybe turnarounds. The TGT chart needs work still, but I’m watching to see if the rally sticks. If so, it would be a change for this sector. And I’m also going thru the oil/gas drillers for “bargains”. And more and more retailers have been setting up M, TLRD, URBN, FRED, JCP, TGT, GPS, etc. For those who think AMZN will take over the world, that was the consensus on WMT also 17 years ago. It’s AMZN itself which is the worrisome one. More later.  DRYS and shippers active traders.   GPRO will be attempting again to go to multi-month highs.

9/5 10 PM: From our premarket comments – INSM, XOMA, plus to watch the bounce potential for CLLS. INSM joins the gap up club along with DVAX, ADMS, ITCI. I am long these stocks. We love strong stocks with a “change of character”, Just be aware of the possibility of a share offering with these, like DVAX, but I added on there into the news-selling. VSTM – We have discussed this stock at least 6 times, plus it has been mentioned in several videos as a strong stock. It closed on Friday, September 1 at 3.92. Still long IDXG, and have been buying into reactions. MSDI discussed yesterday at the Bounce List Page. PULM rallying on no news.

9/4 8 PM: From our premarket comments – APVO, SDRL. APVO looks like a pump and dump, but that gives it 1-3 days leeway to rally. RTNB has been a great trading stock, despite real concerns about the company daytrading vs investing. EROS – talked about this a few weeks ago. Huge short position, relatively small float, and fraud allegations. Will be a good trading stock. NVCN – a lot of bad news, but much of that is in the stock. What have we been saying – more oil stocks and more retailers on the list.

Once again for the 100th time, gold is in a bull market. Emotional selling waves are the opportunities, but people freak out and miss them. We have a ton of stuff about gold on the front page.

8/31 10PM: From our premarket comments – MNKD, SCVL, IMMU has been one of our favorite stocks since it was $6. Look at all of our other comments about it 32 times. Selling waves are for buying it. We also like AUPH, CARA. APVO big news about new funding.

8/30 10 PM: From our premarket comments – ABIL, ITCI. I’m long ITCI (position trade), we talked about this one on 8/23. It’s similar to DVAX (also long). We first talked about DVAX 4/17. Other similar stocks COOL, (no position, first talked about 5/23), ABEO (no position, first talked about 5/31). Also FSNN, which we bought 8/25 (out). MGTI – no position currently, but we have pounded the table on this one 15 times since 5/25, as well as IMGN since 5/15. Also AVEO, IMMU, XXII several months ago. All of these stocks can be both position trades, only bought into selling waves, or daytraders.

8/25 3 PM-8/27 10 PM: From our premarket – DMTX, ADMS. We first recommended AVEO at .80 on 6/23 and have talked about it 17 times since then in subscriber posts, and in public videos and posts. The beaten down retailers are still moving – URBN ANF, TLYS – how about BBY, LL, LULU. I thought AMZN would destroy all retailers except WMT. Shippers on the list too. Sold ASNA for a loss (2.12-2.08)

Near the open sold TQQQ (6.00-7.99) bought into yesterday’s selling wave, when the QQQ “broke support”. I love it when things “break support”, some of the best buying opportunities arise in this technical situation. I also sold QQQ calls at the open,bought at the same time as TQQQ yesterday – that will all be in a video about options later.

RTNB has been very volatile. Several shippers on the list – yes there is a DSX and a DCIX. NADL part of SDRL.


8/24 3 PM: From our premarket – NSRPF, GES, ANF, LTRX. GLYC, IMMU, NSRPF, MGTI all part of the “Emerging Strong Stock” video. We love IMMU, first talked about it 5/5, and have discussed it 32 times since then.. NSRPF huge uptrend.

Lot of trading today, I scratched MOSY daytrade 1.22-1.22. At the open and into the opening rally, sold TQQQ long from last week. Into the SPY selling wave at 11:30 sold TVIX (volatility) long (equity short) from yesterday – confirm. Still long ITCI from yesterday.

RTNB huge bounce.


8/23 10 PM: From our premarket – AEO, ITCI, PRTK, EXPR – more retailers popping, we’ve discussed this over and over the last few months, should be no surprise. Traded SQNS today in small account – confirm. IMNP beautiful runner today.

8/22 3PM: From our premarket – CLRB, DSW. RTNB, trading halted.

There is never a lack of incompetence in markets. All of the clowns last week who were claiming the stock market is going to crash, and the bubble had burst, like Idiot Gartman. And many of them were using the “breakout” in volatility to make their point, as volatility has collapsed since the high on 8/18. And when was the corresponding low in stocks – 8/21. Volatility peaked before the stock market bottomed, what else is new. These VIX ETFs are just options, and most people are clueless about that. I took more profits today on my TVIX (volatility) short from last week. Volatility will pick up again, and we’ll just go thru the same thing all over again.

8/21 (2 PM-10 PM): From our premarket comments – CNIT, FALC, DCIX. In the last year ARCI has had 4 huge spikes, and then drop at least 50% after each upthrust. Hey maybe 5’s a charm. DIGAF, BITCF making a move again with the crypto craze. Ethereum up, but not helping MGTI today. We still like MGTI a lot (bought on weakness). Talked about cryptos again in the video last week, including DIGAF, BITCF, MGTI.

To repeat for the 100th time gold is in a bull market. Gold up, Yen up, silver, miners continuing to lag. That will change. I did sell JNUG this morning from last week buy in the small account, confirm, still long some PM stuff. Talked about the PMs view for this week in this video from yesterday, including support/resistance and time frame for the next big low.

FALC right into resistance in the gap up. We like them and have specifically talked about AVEO and IMMU probably 50 times, and once again in the weekend video.


8/18 (2:45 PM)-8/20): HMNY on our premarket. Very busy so copy and paste time (x2): I shorted TVIX late in the day yesterday, and covered into the rally about noon – broker confirm with any trades. My plans were all discussed in premarket today – “Every bull market has large selloffs Why so many feel the need to pick the top is baffling. The top pickers have been attempting it for years, maybe this time they’ll be right. But for us, this has already been identified as a cautionary period. We’ve been concerned for months about the lack of volatility and the complacency about using leverage to attempt to get some kind of returns in a market which is sound asleep. Well it’s woken up recently with the volatility seen, and the fear has exploded. The volatility products are at record levels of volume. It’s pretty odd actually, at least shorter-term. I used the explosion yesterday in volatility to do a bit of shorting (of volatility, TVIX) later in the day, and will cover some today – just risk control. Some of this is discussed in this video along with gold and the miners. The stock market can set itself up for quite a rally with some good technical action today on the selling waves. Still same idea with gold, don’t need to rehash it and it’s on the video. What have I been saying since 12/9/2015 – it’s a BULL MARKET. And all of the gold bashers and doubters out there, with all of their highly paid services – now what are they going to say? An emotional blast thru 1300, is a place to lighten up for me. And the backups are for buying.”

So I used the stock rally today to cover TVIX short, and lightened up on gold into its rally.

RTNB Yikes, some volatility. Maybe a model for DGLT soon. NSRPF huge winner, maybe a direct offering coming there soon. The stock has a bit of a change of character going on currently, a direct offering (based) selloff would be a superb opportunity, otherwise just in and out trading.

We’ve been kind of bullish (trading-wise) on retailers over the last few months, believing the selloffs are opportunities for at least some good bounces. Why have we kind of liked them? Because they have gotten creamed, and many of them are or were back into big support areas, sometimes multi-year areas – and also the selling climaxes – BONT, URBN, TGT. Look at what LL, BBY, or LULU have done. Even crappy JCP, HIBB, FINL can bounce, or LB with a recent selling climax. Many people are extrapolating the death of almost all retailers by assuming how AMZN will destroy all their competition. Really? For those old enough, remember 20 years ago how the WMT “monopoly” would be taking over the world. “Economists” and “stock market experts” were claiming that brilliant idea right smack into the huge high in late 1999, when they were allegedly a “monopoly”. Whatever happened to that stupid idea? Look at this WMT chart.  Since that high, the price of WMT is up about 15%, in 18 years. A monopoly, eh? So now our President is not a fan of AMZN, tweeting “Is Fake News Washington Post being used as a lobbyist weapon against Congress to keep Politicians from looking into Amazon no-tax monopoly?” So back to WMT in the early 2000’s, as they became concerned and started changing their business practices to avoid having to deal with “monopoly regulating”. AMZN, now it’s your turn.


8/17 (Noon-10 PM): From our PM comments – MGTI. And that played a part in my taking of profits in IMGN position bought last week broker confirm.

Here’s what we said about RADA yesterday: “ RADA – Often times what happens, especially with stocks which have some type of quality to them, is they will have the initial gap up, but then it’s the reaction after the gap, and then a few days later, which is the great entry point. But people forget about these right away, and don’t follow them. From the 8/10 premarket –  ‘RADA trying to become an emerging strong stock, like we’ve talked about with several stocks from months ago, examples – AVEO, IMMU, possibly GLYC, and MBRX, tho MBRX needs a big reaction for longer term potential.’ With the stronger stocks, the trend is up, we believe, so the reactions are the opportunities.”

SPEX big move, it’s total float is small – around 6 mil. shares – so it did 1.5x it’s float today. IDXG which I traded yesterday (see 8/16) turned over it’s float 3x. That is the important ratio to me – the turnover. Yesterday DGLT 3x float before noon. DCTH tiny stock and huge float, but huge volume yesterday, today. MGTI very big insider ownership, that’s also important. Legendary John McAfee is at the helm. 

8/16 (3 PM-10 PM): From our PM comments-IDXG, DXTR. Traded IDXG today in the small account 1.35-1.48, broker confirms , along with – exited index trades put on from the “plunge” in stocks last week – TQQQ and short in SQQQ. MGTI, DIGAF both in this video Monday. We first talked about MGTI on 5/26, and have talked about numerous times since as to why we like it. DGLT massive short squeeze and halted, kudos to the longs.

I will say it one more time – gold is in a bull market – since 12/9/15, I have been bullish on gold, and literally at least 50 times have talked about the huge accumulation area in gold, and why it’s so bullish long-term. I’ve done posts and videos galore, like this, this, this. There are highly paid analysts all over the place who give all kinds of excuses and they won’t say (don’t know) if gold is in a bull market. And CNBC, Bloomberg, the WSJ love them, because they bring up totally useless crap about QE, real yields, politics, etc. and that’s what people want to hear, and hardly any of them are making money. So today JNUG, NUGT, AUY, IAG, MUX all showed up on the list.


8/15 (2 PM-10 PM): From our premarket comments – IDXG, HMNY, DRYS. Very quiet day, maybe everyone is scared, cause Gartman is bearish. I’m just watching DRYS at this point, waiting to see about a reaction down, or another setup, sold my shares yesterday (below). Scumbag lawyers are going after FRTA, now I hope the stock does well. ABEO good stock reaction to lousy earnings. IMGN position trade. MDXG new highs, I like strong stocks, but only buying on reactions down. APRN sticking it to the biased bears. Several former rocket ships – MBOT, CHFS, HTGM.

IDXG top stock today. It was a great momentum day trader, like TNDM  –  not many of those recently, which have rallied right into the close and also AH – BITCF, DRYS, not many more. That will change, but right now I have been saying for 4 weeks to not “press it” now. RDFN good trader since IPO, URBN earnings AH, crappy long-term chart, but who cares daytrading.



8/14 (2:30 PM-10 PM): From our premarket comments – FRSX, NEFF, CVM, TEUM, DRYS, DCIX. Just curious, so has Dennis Gartman flip-flopped again? Anyway, digital currency plays hot again (check below). BITCF still on top, MGTI talked about this one for months as a crypto play (below). We’re watching a few more.

Shippers moving again, even TOPS and RLOG, I sold partial long from last week in DRYS.

We’ve explained several times over the last few months why the blast off in AVEO was so powerful. We like EKSO. Crude getting hit today, and for months we keep asking, “Why are the energy producers lagging so much, if crude is going to soar?”

10 PM: DRYS broker confirm – I always sell too early, but sold the rest of my position into 3.50 resistance. FRSX – crap stock, but fantastic “bouncer”. Cryptos -we likey, but a lot of people “discovering”  how hot these stocks are.


8/11 (2 PM-10 PM): From our premarket comments – DRYS, DCIX, AEZS, ANW, GLBS. Tried to buy BITCF twice, got away, then the big red bar, so adios original plan and look for the next setup. From bounce list earlier today – Dennis Moron Gartman claims (predicts, guesses) the bull market is over. Uh news flash Dennis – bull markets have selloffs. Well ahead of time (weeks) we started talking about the “change in character” of the shippers, DRYS, on 7/21. It’s all on the Winners List page commentary, but we also did videosposts and posts about them. This is the point of working hard and having no biases in markets.

A couple awesome Bounce List stocks today  – FRTA, DPW. FRTA is a piece of crap. NSRPF – Bob Motiarty, 321gold, he loves this one.

The shippers had a great day today, even tho well off the PM highs. In PM trading, it looks like DRYS traded at 5.84, closed at 3.1. DCIX traded at .62, closed at .46. TOPS, 2.30, closed at 1.41. We’ve talked about MGTI several times – digital currency theme, Ethereum. They are in our “Emerging, emerging strong stock” category, along with IMGN. SORL strong stock, earnings Monday. Also earnings – CLSN, GALE, MBRX, TEAR, TEUM, URRE. 


8/10 (2 PM-10 PM):  From premarket comments – LUNA, RADA. Gold is in a secular bull market, but I never buy gold into strength. So now that the stragglers are figuring out gold is bullish, once again to ask – when we were buying gold at $1214, and the miners, hardly anybody wanted gold then, because their useless moving averages were pointing down. Now the MAs are pointing up, gold is above its useless 200 day, and the “coast is clear”. Here is the July gold comments recap. Every time I do a big picture post about the secular bull market in gold, and the reasons for finally buying gold in December 2015, people give me crap about real interest rates and the $, and every other useless theory about gold. And they miss every damn opportunity to buy gold at the “best” times, because they sit around all day with their theories. JNK and trannies continue to be the biggest concerns to me. In the shorter term, the selling is rebuilding the bearish sentiment. Lastly, biases are killers – the shippers, DRYS, everyone hates it, but daytrading who cares.

Not much working recently except PMs, Yen, Swiss Franc – and volatility products – TVIX, VXX, VIIX. Fridays with the emotions running high – good for daytrading, more like 15 minute trading.


8/9 (2:30-10 PM): From our premarket comments –  XTNT, NVAX, ACHN, MBRX. Once again small stocks not “sticking”. DGLT was on the Bounce List yesterday, and the #1 stock today. FWIW, here is my response to a question about a “price target” for DGLT – comment posted just after noon: DGLT – “End of week, how about end of day. Nice green bar volume push higher, it last broke down from .62, so .60 I’d be gone.” We have zero biases in markets, as such we’ve been perfectly fine trading from the long-side the worst stock ever, DRYS. We have posts and videos about it here, here, here. Check below what we said a week ago that “DRYS did something today it hasn’t done in a long time”.

A post coming soon, but since 7/20 GDX has traded in a gosh darn one point range. And we’ve heard all of the stupid comments from the gold permabulls and permabears with their whining and predicting, and of course they were making ZERO money this whole time. I have said this whole time since March to treat PMs as being in a trading range. Some of us were actually trading this stuff and making money. So since 7/20 specifically when this very compressed area formed here are my trades in the small account for NUGT and JNUG. Eight trades, no big trades, one scratch, 7 winners, no daytrades – it’s about being in this business with a professional attitude. Ignore all of the idiots.

The weakness in stock market affecting some of my position trades, but I have a small short in QLD. 


8/8 (2:45-10 PM): Quick update (trading) – From our premarket comments – CLRB, TWLO, CHFS, MTW – Not a lot of penny stocks on the list today, CHFS, WINT. DRYS still hanging around (trading around) its resistance zone, talked about in some videos. GPRO still working. MYOK really working, many people are afraid of the big gaps, I like them when the underlying stock is already strong. Penny stocks, usually don’t trust them. MGTI – digital currency stuff.  

NVAX earnings AH, keep in mind the huge short position – 19 (days to cover). DRRX also earnings AH, first talked about this stock as “something more than a daytrade at under $1. ACHN has AH news. Stupid N. Korea news today moving stock market, and yes when selling in big indices picks up this affects small stocks also. The stock market bull needs a reset (no not a “crash”), but selling would be “nice” – many new opportunities. But we’re a long way from there at this point.


8/7 (2 PM-10 PM): The top 4 stocks are on our premarket comments today – MYOK, NXTM, BSTG, EROS plus CLNT. Although NXTM is a buyout, so nothing actually going on there, but the top 3 certainly. We first talked about DVAX (position trade for me) in premarket on 4/17 @5.50. Also position trade in PLUG first mentioned on 3/17. ONDK having itself a nice day, but it has a lot of work to do to get out of the “weak stock category”. XTNT continuing to set higher lows. Some penny stocks actually holding their lows today, it’s been awhile – BSTG, RNVA, XTNT, DXTR, BONT – but no matter, as anything under $1 is almost always a total daytrade to me, in and out. EGO was on the Bounce List on Friday, nice bounce from those lows. Friday winners YELP, GPRO still working. PLUG, DXTR earnings tomorrow.


8/4 (2 PM-8 PM): From our premarket comments – GPRO, CARA, MDRX, SRNE, YELP, and DRYS (yes DRYS). We try to maintain a totally unbiased view of markets, and DRYS has been a great daytrading stock recently. I did a post about it, and my partner traded the bounce today. DCIX is the #1 stock today, remember no bias. YELP strengthening chart. CARA, GPRO – lots of shorts needing to cover. XXII – we have talked about this stock numerous times as a strengthening stock. In our premarket on 6/9: “XXII is right into resistance, but it’s worth watching for a multi-month breakout potential, after a good reaction.” And again talked about on 7/31: “XXII – talked about several times (same as IMGN) as an ’emerging, emerging strong stock’ – a biotech which is involved in tobacco, ‘smokeless healthier’ cigarettes, cannabis, etc. The FDA news on Friday affected the big tobacco stocks like MO, BTI. Actually they had good daytrade bounces. But XXII took the news and rallied, and today issued a press release. Press releases can be pump attempts (short-term). DVAX has also been talked about as a strengthening stock and it’s really doing that today with FDA news. Should be volatile.” Point is we separate out the stocks with the stronger potential from the total crap which are straight daytrading types. Being oblivious to this separation gets a lot of people in trouble. 

8 PM: It’s gratifying to see 6 stocks on the winners list today, with YELP at #1, also DRYS, CARA, GPRO, SRNE, MDRX. It helps to reinforce the work focus. Check the bid-offer (third and second to last columns), some of these stocks at the top are weird AH tonight for some reason, like AGRX, DCIX, RAS. So YELP is actually the winner of the day. It was a good day for some beaten down losers which have big short positions – GPRO, YELP, DRYS. ASNA has a massive short position. Also check the floats. We have talked about XXII numerous times (see above). We have also talked about MBRX, not MDRX, several times as an “emerging, emerging strong stock”. It has a lot of work to do, but it totally changes the trading approach if there is a good probability of being out of “penny stock status”. In my view, only a big selling wave will strengthen it more.


9/6 10 PM plus 9/7 (7 AM): From our premarket comments – VSTM, VYGR. INSM in yesterday’s premarket and comments – “INSM joins the gap up club along with DVAX, ADMS, ITCI. I am long these stocks. We love strong stocks with a “change of character”, Just be aware of the possibility of a share offering with these, like DVAX, but I added on there into the news-selling.” VSTM – We have discussed this stock at least 6 times, plus it has been mentioned in several videos as a strong stock. First talked about DVAX at $2.   DCTH very active, great trading stock.   VYGR gapping up to multi-month highs, but plenty of resistance ahead. Excellent drug news.   Once again with retailers (and small energy stocks), on 5/17 we said and have repeated dozens of times, “TGT had good earnings and is rallying strongly. The retailers have gotten creamed, and people are super bearish on these stocks, I’m going thru this sector and making a watchlist. The sector is still bearish, but there can be some bounces/trading opportunities, and maybe turnarounds. The TGT chart needs work still, but I’m watching to see if the rally sticks. If so, it would be a change for this sector. And I’m also going thru the oil/gas drillers for “bargains”. And more and more retailers have been setting up M, TLRD, FRED, ASNA, TGT, URBN, JCP, AEO, etc.. For those who think AMZN will take over the world, that was the consensus on WMT also 17 years ago. It’s AMZN itself which is the worrisome one. More later.  DRYS and shippers active traders.   GPRO will be attempting again to go to multi-month highs.



9/5 10 PM: 































































































































































































    • It’s sort of proprietary how I put the filters together, and they’re moved during the day. But I’ll do a video for you guys today with the headings and put it in the subscribers only section.

  1. Hello Scott. Two questions regarding silver. 1 hour time frame

    A)My original plan was to exit at 17.26(arrow). But you can see my estimates was really off by several miles. What can I do to get a more realistic exit point target?

    B) I failed to recognize warnings signs before today’s silver’s selloff(Using 1 Hour chart).Can you share a chart pointing out the clue(s) or warning signs the market sent before today’s sell off?(If any clue)

    • First off, you’re doing fine – continuing to hone the tools. I did another video last night about bounces which is in the ether somewhere, I’m redoing it – post it later today. But this whole thing about bounces vs rallies, and stopping vs ending action, and context and time-frame. And actually time frame also. Of course sentiment and weak hands – these are always the main parts of every single trade. And this will all come into play with the trade parameters, and rally with selling (profits), it is total art form. And hopefully you’re starting to understand my repetition about “selling too early”. This always plays into things – it allows us to survive.

  2. Hey Scott, what do you think of Natural Gas right here? I see that today it broke multi year support and thinking if it clears those sells stops and rallies it could be a good swing trade. Thanks.

    • Hi Dave. The caveat, I don’t trade natgas, but it is in a time frame for a low. The straight down days with the closes at the low, meaning if no volatility in the low area (this would show weak hands out, strong hand in), are not bullish except maybe a bounce. In my mind we want to see the rally first and then like you said, clear out plenty of sell stops with another selling wave. So you build up the confidence, they put in their stops, and then take them out. In the meantime, getting a few bottoms to form a bigger bottom. I really like to see a few very short-term bottoms (SOSes) within the context of a bigger bottom. Will it happen, we don’t know, but that is how to set up a much higher probability situation. So keep watching, and see if you can identify it, and step up to the plate with the break. Or then watch/wait for the rally with volume showing up, and the reaction after that – it should then be a retest – light volume/low price spread. These are the ways to really up the probabilities.

    • The sentiment in gold is pretty dour right now, like Hulbert. It broke below 1214. Those two are positive. But still believe it’s next week for a better bottom. I wanted to see the bounce, and then the one more push below. So now I have a losing NUGT position and a winning DUST position going on to deal with.

      • Yes. The much better setup is a bounce, which sets up even more support, and another push lower to break these supports. But on a bigger time frame not there yet. Jay all of these bottoms are forming a much bigger bottom. And still believe a good bottom next week, and better in about 4 weeks.

  3. 1207 was where my fib lined up for today, whatever that means to HFTs.
    Any chance for another cycle down into a yearly low, that would put it in a September time frame?

    • 1207 worked beautifully today. And yes it looks like 2 bigger cycles – August and a December time frame once again. Of course, these can be in context of continual higher lows, especially big daddy gold.

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